Topic outline

  • General

  • Course description

    Module #



    Credit Points :


    Workload :


    Mode :

    Elective module

    Offered :


    Institution in charge

    National Technical University of Athens


    V. Georgiannou, A. Zervos

    email: vngeor@civil.ntua,gr


    The geotechnical applications (i.e. settlement of structures, embedded retaining walls, reinforced soil retaining walls and/or steepened embankments; seismic loading of retaining walls, bridge abutments, piles and pile groups) are related to engineering practice and to current research work.

    The topics of seepage, compression and consolidation are examined briefly and by using an extended case study of the Tower of Pisa as a theme, the concepts can be applied to different soils, and the long-term settlement of soil can be assessed. The major challenges facing designers of embedded retaining walls such as secant bored pile walls and diaphragm walls used in the construction of deep sections of retained cuttings and cut-and-cover tunnels in road schemes and multi-propped deep excavations in urban areas are examined. The study of retaining systems is extended to include reinforced soil retaining walls and/or steepened embankments, as a relatively new cost effective method of construction which reduces embankment width and land-take and is environmentally acceptable. The response of piles and pile groups to seismic loading is also examined; the benefits of Unconventional Seismic Foundation Design in changing the established philosophy in seismic foundation design are assessed.  In situ measurements of stress, deformation and pore pressures as well as instrumentation for monitoring structures are briefly described. As part of the course case studies are analysed and the Codes of practice are applied, using bespoke and commercial software.


    50% written final examination

    50% four projects based on case studies

    Learning outcomes

    Students will develop skills on how to quantify and use fundamental parameters that control the one-dimensional flow of water through soils and its implications to geotechnical analyses. Likewise they will learn how to rigorously assess the stability of retaining structures and foundations under static and seismic loading.

    These skills are critical to successful design and analysis in soil-structure systems and to critical assessment of the Codes’ requirements.  

    Finally, the students will collaborate in the review and analyses of case studies that illustrate how the concepts covered in the course are used in typical geotechnical applications in the design of structures such as foundations and retaining walls

  • Objectives and related projects

  • Lecture notes

  • Tutorials

  • Grades

  • Supplementary material