Action 4 “Online mentoring” on Monday September, 25th from 16.00 - 18.00 CET

Action 4 “Online mentoring” on Monday September, 25th from 16.00 - 18.00 CET

από Ιωαννης Τζιγκουνακης -
Αριθμός απαντήσεων: 0

Dear BIP students, 

As scheduled, the BIP "Monitoring clean energy in the EULiST campuses”- Action 4 “Online mentoring” is organised on Monday September, 25th from 16.00 - 18.00 CET, by the academics and trainers: prof Efi Dimopoulou, prof. Irene Koronaki, George Orfanos PhD student and prof. Eleni Alexandrou

The Meeting with take place in the BBB Online Mentoring Room in the section named "Action 4 - Online mentoring"

Your Participation is required.