Introductory concepts, spontaneous and stimulated emission, interaction of radiation with matter, pumping processes, passive optical resonators. Behavior of continuous wave and transient types of lasers, laser beam properties, laser beam transformations. Laer types (solid state, gas, semi-conductor). Special topics on the Physics and Technology of lasers, selected laser applications (optics, environment, Biophysics, Biomedicine). Laser safety. 
Note: The course includes 3 Laboratory exercises.

Τομέας: Physics
Κατεύθυνση: Physics
Είδος: YX
Διδακτικές μονάδες: 5 ECTS
Εξάμηνο: Spring
Type: Course
Credits/ECTS: 5
Free Access: Όχι
Audience: students only
Course Mode 1: onsite
Course Mode 2: full-time
Course Mode 3: synchronous
Language: gr