The course is offered in the Spring Semester of 2023-24.
Lectures: Wednesdays, 8:45 - 11:30, in the PC Lab of Civil Engineering (1st floor of the Civil Engineering Administration Building).
Course Instructor: Prof (Emer) Michael Kavvadas, email: Web:
Teaching Assistant: Dr. Dimitris Georgiou, email:
If any lecture cannot be taught with physical presence, it will be given remotely (via Webex) at the following address:
The course is part of the curriculum of the following postgraduate programs:
1. Analysis and Design of Structures (DPMS DSAK) - Course A10 and ADS_304
2. Design and Construction of Underground Structrures (DPMS SKYE) - Course EE1
Course Instructor: Prof (Emer) Michael Kavvadas, email: Web:
Teaching Assistant: Dr. Dimitris Georgiou, email:
The course is offered in the english language.
Course material (of previous years) in the greek language, at:
The course is offered in the Spring Semester of 2023-24.
Lectures: Wednesdays, 8:45 - 11:30, in the PC Lab of Civil Engineering (1st floor of the Civil Engineering Administration Building).
Course Instructor: Prof (Emer) Michael Kavvadas, email: Web:
If any lecture cannot be taught with physical presence, it will be given remotely (via Webex) at the following address:
========================Use of Artificial Intelligence tools:
Students are allowed to use Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools, such as ChatGPT or Dall-E 2, in their assignments, only with the consent of the instructor, following a justified written request by the student, explaining how AI will be used in their work. The instructor may encourage or give permission to use AI tools during course activities, if the students justify the learning outcomes of AI in the course.
Each student is expected to complete assignments in this course without assistance from others, unless he/she has the consent of the instructor, given in accordance with the above procedure.
If students are not sure whether an application they plan to use is an Artificial Intelligence (AI) tool or not, they should discuss with the instructor. The use of AI tools in this course without the consent of the instructor, is a violation of the Code of Ethics and Good Practice of the university, and will incur a penalty.